공부해 봅시다/Pathology

Cowdry type A or B ????

Anonymous Pathologist 2011. 11. 30. 23:39
Virus 에 감염되었을 때의 핵의 변화로 Cowdry type A inclusion 이라는 표현이 있고, 드물게는 Cowdry type B inclusion 이라는 표현도 있다. 인터넷이나 책을 뒤지면 표현에 대한 정의가 조금 더 있기는 한데, 그걸로는 부족하다고 생각해서 공부하다 지쳐 의욕이 상실되었을 때 오늘 오후 4시쯤 그 근원을 찾아보기로 하였다. :)

인터넷에서 인용문헌에 Cowdry 가 있는 옛 논문을 찾았다. 구글님에 의하면 Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Vol 23, Issue 2, October 1975, 228-244 실린 "Identity of cowdry type B inclusions and nuclear bodies: Observations in reovirus encephalitis"라는 논문에서 Cowdry 님이 1934년에 쓰셨다는 논문을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 논문은 "The problem of intranucIear inclusions in virus diseases. 이며, Am. J. Pathol, 18, 527-550 이라고 되어 있었다. 이 논문이 학교에서 구독하고 있는지 확인해 보는 과정에서 Am. J. Pathol 이 아닌, Archives of Pathology 저널이라는 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 도서관 지하 1층에서 잠자고 있는 논문을 확인할 수 있었다. 내용은 다음과 같다. 앞 부분을 제대로 읽어보지 않고 해당 부분만 발췌했더니 내용을 잘 모르겠다. 하지만, 전자현미경 염색 과정에 따른 특징으로 분류를 한게 아닌가 하는게 드는 생각임. 병리학적 소견 기술이 상당 부분은 그 밥에 그 나물... 같은 느낌인지라. OTL  

Cowdry type A inclusion

The nuclear reaction is total and proceeds to complete degeneration. The inclusions are amorphous or particulate, but may be condensed in rounded masses. The ground substance of the entire nucleus is profoundly disturbed, and all the basophilic chromatic eventually marginates on the nuclear membrane, except in the case of the salivary gland inclusions in moles, which are more basophilic than acidophilic. After fixation the material of which the inclusions are constructed is not easily removed by acetic acid, alcohol, chloroform and other solvents. It contains little or no masked iron or thymonucleic acid. Incineration shows that the yellow fever inclusions are devoid of mineral matter. L.E. and E.J. Rector have found that the same observation holds for mature herpetic inclusions. In interesting contrast, a large amount of mineral, especially calcium, occurs in the nucleoli and basophilic chromatin.


Cowdry type B inclusions

The reaction is localized in the certain areas of the nucleus, where acidophilic droplets make their appearance. These often look hyaline and may be of small or large size. The nucleoplasm in which the inclusions are embedded may not be noticeably altered. Basophilic chromatin fails to marginate on the nuclear membrane. It may be even accumulate to some extent on the centrally placed inclusions. The process seldom goes on to complete nuclear generation, and it is not accompanied by the marked reaction of tissue frequently but not always present with the type A inclusions. Such inclusions can be distinguished from nucleoli by: (1) recognition in the same nucleus of nucleoli stained differently; (2) their range of variation in number and size; (3) absence in them of detectable amounts of mineral and so on. It is unsafe to assume that different B inclusions are of similar composition. Their analysis has not been energetically pushed.

Reference: Archives of Pathology, 1934, Vol 18, 527-542

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