공부해 봅시다/Pathology

Furhman grade

Anonymous Pathologist 2011. 12. 27. 11:52
Fuhrman grade 에 정말로 현미경 배율이 언급되는지 찾아봤더니 정말로 있었다. OTL

Grade 1 tumors were composed of cells with small (approximately 10um) round uniform nuclei with inconspicuous or absent nucleoli.

Grade 2 tumors had larger (approximately 15um) nucleti which exhibited irregularities in outline and nucleoli when examined under high (400x) power.

Grade 3 tumors had even larger nuclei (approximately 20um) with an obvisously irregular outline and prominent large nucleoli even at low (100x) power.

Grade 4 tumors exhibit features similar to the grade 3 tumors with the addition of bizarre, often multilobed nuclei and heavy chromatin clumps. These tumors often had areas of spindled-shaped cells resembling sarcomas.

Each tumor was graded by the most malignant or highest grade exhibited even if only focal.
Multiple grades coexisted in 15% of tumors.

Reference: Fuhrman SA, Lasky LC, Limas C. Prognostic significance of morphologic parameters in renal cell carcinoma. The American journal of surgical pathology 1982;6:655-63.

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